Korea Institution and Economics Association

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18th International Conference of the East Asian Economic Association(EAEA)
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2023-10-30 15:31
첨부파일 : 파일 다운로드 자료집.pdf

The 18th International Conference of the East Asian Economic Association(EAEA)


- Date: 11:10~13:10, October 21, Saturday, 2023.

- Venue: Seoul National University, Building No. 83(멀티미디어강의동 3).


KIEA Session: Lessons from Korea Economic Development Experience: Past and Future


Chair: Jaewook An(안재욱, 경희대)

Keynote speaker: Sung-Hee Jwa(좌승희, 박정희학술원)

“Korea’s Saemaul Undong as a Controlled Economic Development Experiment Merits a Nobel Prize


Jung Mo Kang(강정모, 경희대) and Sung-Kyu Lee(이성규, 안동대)

“The Impact of Policy-augmented Human Capital on the Success of Industrial Revolution in Korea”

Jwa, Sung-Hee(좌승희, 박정희학술원) and Lee, Taekyu(이태규, 한국 경제연구원)

“A New Theory of Economic Catch-Up and Implications for the Middle-Income Trap: A New Political Economy Perspective”

Jong-Dae Park(박종대, 연세대)

“A Proposal to Establish Korean ‘Brand’ of Development Cooperation with Africa”

Wonseop Song(송원섭, 전 민주연구원)

“The Necessity of Frame Reconstruction in Korean Economic Analysis: Distorted Concepts and Alternatives in the Korean Economy”


Discussants(종합 토론자):

Jwa, Sung-Hee(좌승희, 박정희학술원), Jaewook An(안재욱, 경희대), Jung Mo Kang(강정모, 경희대), Jeongseok Song(송정석, 중앙대).

이전글 2015년 10월 한국제도경제학회 추계학술대회 발표논문 탑재
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